Off we go!

It’s time for the 2019 field season!


June 1, 2019
Katie Sweeney



It’s that time again! We are about to set out for another summer field season to collect data on Steller sea lions and northern fur seals in Alaska! We’ll be conducting several trips to the field on ships, land, and aerial surveys to collect aerial images for counting individuals, ship- and skiff-based counts, sightings of branded sea lions and tagged fur seals, collect remote camera images, brand more sea lion pups out west, and deploy and reterieve more camera tag videos on fur seals. A busy summer indeed! Check out the map below (and check out the link in the caption to download the full version!) to see all the field work the Alaska Fisheries Science Center will be doing this summer.

Expected 2019 field work conducted by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. NOAA Fisheries.
Expected 2019 field work conducted by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. Full-resolution version can be downloaded from the NOAA Fisheries website found here!

We will miss you and while we’re away our trusty moderator will be present when he can on the Talk Forum. Thank you all for your efforts throughout the year! We’ll see you when we return in September!

I have been a biologist in NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center studying Steller sea lion population abundance and life history for over 10 years. I am an FAA certified remote pilot and have been flying marine mammal surveys with our hexacopter since 2014. I earned my B.S. in Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at the University of Washington and my Master in Coastal Environmental Management at Duke University.